More Account Protection. More Peace of Mind.
Enjoy enhanced security on the WSB Mobile Banking App
The security of your account is always a top priority at Watertown Savings Bank. That's why we are in the process of implementing a new multi-factor authentication feature for account access, ensuring your banking experience on the WSB Mobile Banking app remains safe and secure.
When you log in to your account on the WSB Mobile Banking app during the week of March 20th, you may be prompted to enter a verification code, which will be sent to the number or email address we have on file. Simply enter the code sent to your device as a text message, email or phone call to restore access. This is a similar security upgrade you may have experienced previously with WSB Online.
What does multi-factor authentication mean for you?
- No more frustrating security questions when accessing your account
- The passcode is sent directly to your device for easier access
- Your account is more secure
Learn more about the steps you can take to remain safe and help prevent fraud
Visit: Fraud Prevention